Friday, September 26, 2008

PinBack Baby

Pinback was amazing, if you were at the evening muse or anywhere else in NoDa, im sorry for your stupid asses...LOL...jk...
these guys are the best...Thanks You.

New and Old Park

iight guys we are moving the Shop...and we have sold the park...and starting overer !!!
we have a new location in lowell. bigger shop !!!
be on the look out of the New Park later on next week...ill be posting up pics.
laterz for now.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Trashy Motherfuckers

i found a pile of trash on the side of the road... it had like 4 shop vacs in it.
and look how tall it is...MY GOD...

Art 101

some grip tape art i was working on..
bout done..

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blown Out

Blow outs are not Fun....
my back tire was ripped to hell...
fixing it was so fun...
if u never changed one u should deff learn on the side of the freeway...
where everyone likes to blow  there horn atcha...yell and scream. and 18 wheelers love to get close enough to knock the sweat off of your chin.

o hey dad.

meet my dad...

Toys are fun

on the way to the store. 
we had some fun w/ toys.

Monday, September 15, 2008


just driving down I-85.  living another day w/ medicine. trying to fight from spending money on shit. cause all of it goes to Gas.  i wish there was easier

Friday, September 12, 2008


went to snug and watched some large and in charge ladies cut the rug on some blocks....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chris B and I

Brothers from another mother. 
of course you have heard this.
if u dont know...u best ask sumbody.
and on another note a brother we have lost in the
skateboard world. Van Wastell...
the rumor has it he was in Berlin on a Vans trip and
went over a railing... and he just turn Pro two days before.  Van you will be Remembered by all. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Hood

went to the ghetto yesterday and was hanging at the park...(near the skatepark). and was hangiing out w/ lil kids playing B.E.T.
whatever that means...i got goons !!!

Old bikes

enjoy this old green Sting ray !!!
its badazz...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Adam Bruce Lee

go to adams blogspot, whereizdaBeef  ??? chrck the pics he shoot of today of Travis, Wade, and I.